Studies & Reports

Socialising a River and Inclusive Growth
This paper, by SRFDCL and AMC, provides an overview of the sub-projects that showcase the progress made so far and highlight the inclusive and social development potential of the project.
Feasibility Report
The feasibility report was prepared by Environmental Planning Collaborative (EPC) for the Sabarmati Riverfront Development Proposal in 1998. It included technical assessments and strategies for various aspects of the project, namely-
- Physical features of the river
- River hydraulics
- Land reclamation and embankments
- Land ownerships
- Water retention
- Ground water recharge
- Land use and road network
- Infrastructural services
- Resettlement & rehabilitation
- Implementation strategy
- Project costs and revenue potential
- Financing, structure of the SRFDCL, and
- Development management

Hydrologic Studies by NIH, Roorkee
This report was prepared by the National Institute of Hydrology in 2007. The purpose of the study was to determine and verify the effect of the proposed embankments on the carrying capacity of the river.
The report confirmed that the selected embankment profile will not reduce the natural carrying capacity of the river.
SRFDCL - An Opportunity for Urban Renewal
This article was published in the April-2011 issue of the Italian journal- Paesaggio Urbano.

Riverfront Redevelopment
The article on the Sabarmati Riverfront Development Project by Bimal Patel is a part of this Metropolis publication in association with the National Institute of Urban Affairs. This book outlines people, projects and ideas that are changing the Indian subcontinent.
An Alternate Perspective
This article was published in the July-September 2012 issue of Journal of Landscape Architecture.

SRFDCL - Revitalising the heart of Ahmedabad
This article was published in the April-June 2012 issue of Journal of Landscape Architecture.
Sabarmati Riverfront Development Project
This article on the Sabarmati Riverfront Development Project by Anne-Katrin Fenk and Karsten Scheffer was published in the 2009 issue of Topos- Water: Resource and Threat, 68.

Sabarmati: To Increase Ahmedabad's Beauty
This article was published in the December 2005 issue of Chitralekha.
Sabarmati Riverfront Development
This presentation provides a brief overview of the Sabarmati Riverfront Development Project and its underlying vision and objectives.