Places to Visit
The interactive map publishes the short and long term developments to the general public, including the strategic sub-projects taking place towards making Sabarmati Riverfront project succesful and inclusive.

River Promenade
The key feature of this project is a two-level, continuous promenade at the water’s edge along each bank of the river. The lower-level promenade is built just above the water level to serve pedestrians and cyclists, and to provide access to the water. The upper level promenade shall host a variety of public features at the city level. Together these provide Ahmedabad with an uninterrupted, pedestrian walkway, nearly 11.5km in length, in the heart of the city.
The project devotes around seventy hectares, more than a quarter (26%), of the reclaimed land towards creating public spaces in the heart of the city. These open spaces range from public parks and gardens to shaded plazas and urban forests. The parks shall enhance livability in the neighbourhoods and provide the city with much needed green spaces and respite from the dense built environment. The plazas on the other hand will offer public places for social gatherings, and informal activities to take place.

Atal Bridge
This iconic Atal bridge is first of its kind in the country. It will connect west and east part of Sabarmati Riverfront. It has drawn inspiration from the Kites and the celebration of Uttrayan. Even the colours chosen reflects the hues of kites. To feel the joy of walking above the river, this glass Atal bridge is constructed between Sardar Bridge and Ellis Bridge. The bridge is solely for the walking purpose and also having seating arrangements for the people to enjoy the beauty of the river from the bridge. Plantation of various trees are also done to have some green cover on the bridge.
The SRFD streets have been designed carefully and deliberately to serve as effective movement conduits for various users and to be an extension of the public realm.
The SRFD streets run parallel to the river on both banks and provide continuous access to the riverfront development. Access streets at key locations connect the SRFD streets to the rest of the city. </p.

Many public facilities are now open and other few are being built on the reclaimed land – to include sections with particular needs.
The Riverfront Market has been created to house ‘Ravivari’, the traditional flea market at a permanent site adjacent to its previous location. The market provides designated vending areas with 1,641 vendor platforms, seating areas, paved walkways, food courts, vehicular access, parking and 4 public washrooms. The public areas shall be shaded with over 800 diverse trees that have been planted.

Sports Facilities
Amongst the many public spaces and facilities, the project also offers three significant sports facilities. These facilities have been proposed with reference to its location in the city and the surrounding context. These range from a neighbourhood level facility at Shahpur to a city-level sports hub at Paldi and a cluster of grounds near Pirana for informal sporting activities.