1: A day is calculated from 08:00 AM of current date to 08:00 AM of next date.
2: If pre preparation & venue handover days are not required, then select the same date as of event/function.
3: Before booking Block "E" please take note that there is no facility available for Kitchen, Water, Drainage & Toilet.
(2350 Sq. Meter Plot Size).
4: Block A will be able to get power supply up to 98 KW. Rs. 11.00 per unit shall be levied from the citizens / institutions
who rent out the event center Block "A". The actual unit used, and the amount of its charge will be deducted from the
deposit. Rs. 15,000/- will have to be paid separately as the deposit of the light.
5: The party who booked Blocks B, C, D & E will not be able to get the power supply from Block A for lighting. Party
has to make DG Set arrangements at their expense.
Event Date